Sweat Your Way to Beautiful Skin
There is a huge misconception out there that sweat causes acne… that is simply not true. On the contrary, sweat is one of the best DIY facials. Sweating happens when our body temperature increases, increasing our heart rate and blood circulation, sending lots of skin loving nutrients and oxygen to our cells. As we age, our collagen producing cells called fibroblasts, slow down and decrease. We need to give these cells a little boost by consistently delivering them the nutrients they need to thrive.
But that’s not all. Increased blood circulation increases lymphatic drainage, boosting our immune system by removing metabolic waste. There are approximately 500 – 600 lymph nodes filtering out this waste and returning it to our bloodstream. But they could use a little help from their friends… Unlike the cardiovascular circulatory system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump and must be stimulated. Keep that body moving and work up a sweat. This helps move the lymph fluid resulting in a less puffy face and a healthy nutrient rich glow.
My two best recommendations for sweating your way to beautiful skin are hot yoga classes, which I call the worlds best body facial and an infrared sauna. If you use a sauna try to lay on your back with your legs up the wall. This will stimulate the lymphatic system. Drink plenty of water to help those kidneys rid the body of all that metabolic waste.
And finally, WASH OFF YOUR SWEAT. It’s not sweating that causes acne, it’s leaving it on your skin that does. Don’t forget that you release toxins in your sweat. So be sure to take a shower after every sweat session. *For an added skin benefit, turn the water all the way on cold for the last 30 seconds. This will tighten the skin and boost the immune system.